App Monkeys

We’re Ready To
Craft A Great

Who are we?
Based in the midlands on the Staffordshire, Shropshire border App Monkeys specialise in custom crafted IOS and Android mobile apps ranging from simple blog style apps to fully functioning ecommerce applications linked directly to your website!

Who are App Monkeys?

We design bespoke IOS and Android applications to suit your or your business’s requirements.  We have crafted mobile applications such as simple blog type apps, restaurant ordering and delivery apps and fully integrated ecommerce apps for online shopping.

We have a small team that directly communicate with you in order to better understand and craft the application you desire.
When you work with us you are working with the source of your application so there’s no middle man passing on the messages.  Just you and our developers in direct communication!

Larger Online Presence

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos.

Bespoke App's

dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident


similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio.

Web Integration

facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam.

Talk to us.

Expert Advice & Guidance

Want to get in contact?

Need a quote or insight to what you could achieve with a mobile application for your online business?

We’re always happy to discuss options and ideas with our customers so if you’ve got a question we’ll be happy to answer it!

Fill out the form and we’ll be in touch as soon as possible.

    Crafting applications to suite your needs!

    • Craft and design an application that works for you!
    • Fully integrate your application with your website.
    • We're always here to listen and discuss!
    • Release your application on both Android and IOS platforms.
    • Instant updates to your products, blog or forum as your website evolves.

    Benefits of
    Mobile Applications

    For a long time now being present online has been the forefront for a lot of success in business. With more and more people turning to online sources for information and shopping there has never been a better time to establish yourself and/or your business in as many online markets as possible to gain better reach to potential new users and customers!

    Ease of access and the convenience of being present on hand held devices such as mobile phones and tablets is a massive step up to driving further success!

    We believe that great customer service is paramount to ensuring top level satisfaction with the end result and feel building a solid relationship with our customers means we can craft our applications to work for you and your customers.

    Why Choose Us

    We like to put our customers first!

    With 7 day a week contact should you need assistance before, during or after your application has been built we will be happy to assist!

    Our team enjoy getting to know our customers so that they can get a better understanding of the customers needs and requirements from their applications.

    We also have great aftercare so communication won’t fall short once your apps are complete. We like to keep things up to date and functioning as they should be and if you require some amendments or want features adding or changing we’ll be happy to help!  

    A few things we can craft

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.


    eCommerce applications are a great way to convert your customer base from shopping in store or on your website to shopping from their pockets!

    With the ability to send out push notifications to keep your customer base informed of new product releases and up coming or current offers to entice them for more sales.  


    We can craft an application that will allow your customers to order their favorite meals from your eatery for delivery right from their pockets! Similar to apps such as just eat why not have a personal application just for your takeaway crafted by us! What you can’t do on other applications is send out personal push notifications to get your customers ordering.. with your own bespoke application you can!


    Creating an app for restaurants for making bookings, points and rewards is a great way to retain repeat custom and give them a little something extra at very little expense to yourself. Generating interest and impulse through push notifications is a great way to build further business!


    Having a booking system for your hotel or stay over venue is a brilliant way to sell out any unsold beds by converting push notifications into business!

    Sometimes all it takes is a little reminder for someone to make a booking. 

    We can also implement a points & rewards system to retain repeat custom!

    A little bit of what we've crafted recently

    Sauce Supper Club

    Sauce supper club hosts monthly fine dining pop up events with all your favorite chefs at Thyme Kitchen in Staffordshire. Through their app they can now sell their events, vouchers and dine at home box's and notify their customers when new events are available!

    Midland Supplements

    Midland Supplements wanted their business in their customers pockets and we delivered! The app updates as they update their website so customers never miss out on the latest products and offers they have to provide further pushing their sales with ease directly linked to their website.

    National Center for Eating Disorders

    NCFED (National Center for Eating Disorders) is a blog style app that also allows it's users to search and book appointments for specialist help when required. They can send notifications to alert users to new posts and specialists!

    Need a website to host your applications?

    Visit our go-to company to get a great deal!


    Our MD, Julian Salmon has been involved with sales and marketing for over 30 years now, and is absolutely obsessed with user experience (UX/UI)! He believes that there is no excuse for a bad user experience online today and if a website or its content does not work correctly then it should not be allowed online.

    We are a digital agency focused on detail, we create high-performance websites and marketing campaigns that will propel your brand to the next level.
    we understand the challenges you fae when entering the digital arena, and so we fanatically pursue user experience and conversion rate perfection to ensure your users get the best possible experience.